A Life-Giving Church for People Just Like You!

Whether you are full of questions or ready to jump right in, there is a place for you at The Church at Mirror Lake. Our church is a place where you can build relationships with others, experience God in worship, be empowered by practical, life-giving teaching from God's Word, and have fun doing it.

Together, we are living the Winner's Life as we learn to love, serve, reach, grow and connect. So whether you're a spiritual seeker starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian looking to sink your faith roots even deeper, you'll feel at home at The Church at Mirror Lake.

If you believe Jesus really meant it when He said, "I came so people can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of," (John 10:10 Message Translation) then join us this weekend at one of our Jesus Celebrations. Until then, browse our website (a link is on the right of this page) where you'll find lots of helpful info and feel free to download one of our service messages or subscribe to our weekly podcast where you will receive the fresh, life-giving Word of God.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

05/31/09 - Putting On Your Socks - Navy Blue or Black - Everett Spencer

Everett Spencer continues the Dressed For Success series this week, discussing "Navy Blue or Black" in this Sunday service.

Navy Blue or Black
Everett Spencer
Sunday, May 31, 2009


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Slovakia Update

Wednesday in Kosice:
We arrived here yesterday afternoon by plane—a nice 35 minute flight on Sky Europe from Bratislava. As we waited to pick up our luggage Lukas informed me that the guy standing next to me what the most famous rock star in Slovakia. In fact, the whole band was standing there. So, it looks like we were on the right flight since the big celebrities chose it too. Kosice is in a beautiful area of the country with mountains all around.

We were picked up by Pastor Jon, pastor of the largest church in the country where we will be holding the training sessions. The church is about 800 people and the city gave them the property to build as an apology for the way they were treated during the Communist era. They have built a beautiful 900 seat auditorium which is nearly full.

We spent the night in a nice little inn at the city center called the Horse Inn, named after a sculpture in the courtyard out front that was given to the city by one of the universities. We went out for pizza with Pastor Jon and Miro, his worship leader and son-in-law. Miro is my translator for the sessions in Kosice. Afterwards we had a nice walk through this beautiful city.

After sleeping soundly, I woke up at 5:30 and enjoyed some time in the Word and a Slovakian breakfast of yogurt mixed with cereal. Then, we were picked up by Lupo and Dasha and headed off for a day of Equip leadership training.

And what a day it was…these people are so hungry for encouragement and training. It was amazing. They don’t want to stop for breaks, they fill the air with great questions, they connect with you quickly and want to find out everything you know, which doesn’t take long when dealing with me. I met so many wonderful new friends and look forward to developing relationships by internet and over the next few years in person. Miro took me out for a latte during one of Lukas' sessions and we seemed to really connect. I believe we will be friends and the Kingdom will be stronger because of it. Lukas has done something truly remarkable in pulling these training sessions together. The more I know him, the more impressed I am with him.

It still amazes me that God would give us the opportunity to do life together with these leaders. I truly am expecting great reports, not because of the great wisdom we shared today, but because we obeyed God in this divine appointment. He will change this city through these folks and I am honored to know them. I hope to be called their friend. I am reminded of the day Sheryll and I sought the friendship of Billy Hornsby. Our life and our church is richer because of it. I hope these connections with these leaders will prove half as fruitful.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Slovakia Day 2

What a day. I can't believe the honor God has given us as a church to partner with these folks. It was a room full of people from all different church backgrounds, different ages, and different stages of leadership. I asked them what they wanted from today and their response was encouragement, new ideas that would help them be more successful and skills that would make them better leaders this week.

We are training this week based on the Maxwell book, Winning With People. I used this book in 2006 as a tool in the series I taught at CAML all year, Winning with Others. I brought all those notes with me and they were of great use. I was also able to give each attendant copies of all those note sheets. Lukas and I alternate teaching sessions. I can't understand any of what he is saying, but I can tell that he is a gifted commuicator. I am trying to use a few Slovak phrases and I will hear something in his teaching every now and then that I can understand. He seems to have great influence with these people and I also found out he has published several books on leadership. His materials were very popular today. I am glad for this connection. He gave me some tips on how to communicate with these folks and they were right on.

I shared some of our successes at CAML, and some of the road it took to get there--the stuff that you will find in The Villa Rica Sky chapters that I have posted. It was those stories that seemed to connect with them. Instead of hearing about all of our American church successes, they also heard about some of the hard lessons learned. This generated lots of questions and enabled us to get past that awkwardness that happens when no one knows each other. We found some common ground and launched from there.

I shared lunch with a neat group of young leaders from a Charismatic Catholic church. Great interaction, lots of fun, and new friends made. Also enjoyed a nice latte, some cranberry juice, sausage and grilled cheese. Then back to the center for the rest of the training. Imet Jan Lacho (pronounced John in English). John started a church here during the Communist era. He told me stories of praying for freedom, of harassment and persecution by the Secret Service, of friends and members being arrested, and moving meetings to avoid attention. I was blown away that here was a hero of our faith sitting in training sessions I was leading. How could God trust me with such a task? What an honor that CAML is allowed to partner with this country in bringing the Kingdom to a new generation. I asked Jon to pray for me and it was a beautiful thing as he placed his hand on my shoulder and prayed for God to use me and our church.

Pasho did a marvelous job translating. He was able to handle the Southern Drawl without a glitch. In fact, he informed me that I didn't sound very Southern. How about that all you folks who make fun of my drawl! At the end of the day I could have stayed on for hours to talk and answer questions with these wonderful people. I asked if they got what they came for and they said yes. I met David who works with children and teenagers. His English is just as good as my Slovak. But he and I are going to communicate by email and he is looking forward to seeing me again in September, as I am him. Thank you CAML for the giving and prayers that make this possible. I hope to bring some of you along with me on future trips. Thank you Billy Hornsby for connecting us to Lukas. Thank you Lukas for your vision. Thank you God for the privilege. Thank your Sheryll for the confidence and encouragement.

Well, off to bed. Woke up at 2 AM this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Guess it was a combination of jet lag and excitement. Hope sleep comes easily tonite.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

05/24/09 - Putting on Your Socks - Humility - Tony Sherrill

Tony Sherrill continues the Dressed For Success series this week, discussing "Humility" in this Sunday service.

Tony Sherrill
Sunday, May 24, 2009


Day 1 in Bratislava

Lukas, my teaching partner, and Pasho, my new pastor friend and soon-to-be translator, picked me up in Vienna this afternoon and we drove to Bratislava, a city of 500,000 that is the captial of Slovakia. Pasho pastors Bratislava City Church which was started during the Communist regime by his parents and others. Some of his older members were imprisoned because of their faith. The unchurched rate in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia is around 95%. The average church size is 60. Pasho's church is about 400, making it one of the largest in the nation--a megachurch. He says the 3 biggest obstacles to growing churches are 1) apathy due to the success of captialism resulting in a measure of comfort, 2) religion--people consider themselves Christian because their grandparents were practicing Catholics. But less than 5% of the population actually attend church. Even Christmas or Easter fail to draw them, and 3) a failure by the church to present relevant, life-giving solutions.

Tomorrow, about 45 leaders from Catholic, Baptist, AG, and other denominational and non-denominational churches will come together, hoping God will give them some tools to change this city and their nation. According to Lukas, many of them are discouraged and feeling like the situation is hopeless. But his encouragement to them is the church is not a sinking ship and we didn't sign on to spend our lives in a fruitless cause. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use us to bring at least one fresh idea, or maybe nothing new, just some encouragement. I am believing that each leader will leave refreshed and equipped to further the Kingdom this year in Slovakia. Thanks for your prayers, your financial partnership, and your friendship. Even though you are not here with me, your giving or your time, talent and resources are part of you and those parts are here with me. Heaven will be richer, and the Kingdom of God in Slovakia and the Czech Republic stronger because of you.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Running for the train

Getting off the train at Concourse E at Atlanta Airport, I met a fellow running wide open with a frantic look on his face. He was shoving by everyone leaving the train desperately trying to reach the doors of the train before they closed. Probably trying to make a connection and cutting it very close. I watched his face as he neared the doors. There was a change of expression from frantic to confident as he began to realize he would make it onto the train. As we pushed past me and another passenger to enter the doors, his face broke into a big smile as he celebrated his victorious march. I had to move on toward my gate and was unable to stay and see his reaction as he realized the train he had so valiantly overtaken was now out of service as it was at the end of the line! Instead of a successful beginning or continuation of his journey toward his destination, he had hit a dead end, mistaking it for his desired goal.

That’s a place I have been before in my spiritual life, and we can probably all identify with his dilemma. How many times have we chosen a path, worked hard to get there and found out we were at a dead end or heading in the wrong direction. It’s like deciding to pursue God with all your heart and then finding out you were chasing after religion. You had jumped through the hoops, met the demands, kept the rules, but were no closer to God than when you started. Anytime we base our relationship with God on our performance, on what we can do, instead of on what Jesus had done, we are getting on the wrong train and will end up disappointed and disillusioned. That’s why it’s called “dis-illusioned”—because we were chasing an illusion. I think it was Bill Hybels who said you spell religion “D_O” and Christianity “D_O_N_E”. Pursue a relationship with God by celebrating and living in what Jesus has done and, even when you jump on the wrong train, you’ll find God with you, smiling and ready to lead you to the right one.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

3 H's

A little more on the 3 H’s…

I had a great time Tuesday night at The Church at Mirror Lake sharing some on how powerful it is when you join Happy with Holy. If you didn’t get to be there, you should listen to the podcast. Just thought I’d add some more thoughts to that…

There are tons of verses in the Bible (the B-I-B-L-E, that’s the book for me) about being happy. Just go to biblegateway.com or some other Bible search site and do a keyword search for happy. (Use the Holman Christian Standard Bible version for the search since some of the other versions change happy to other great words that mean happy). There are so many, you just get the feeling God really wants you to be happy. Seems a shame that He is so often presented as so serious and somber, almost like He’s never happy. Yet, the Bible says He is a laughing God, a dancing God, a God who moves to the sound of joyful shouting, a God who smiles over us. I mean, think about it, He named the child of promise, Isaac, “laughter.” Isaac’s Hebrew name is literally “Ha Ha.” Jesus’ name is the Greek version of “Ha Ha.” Joy is not a feeling, it is a person—Jesus! The book of Hebrews says Jesus is the exact representation of God. I can’t imagine the face of Jesus without imagining a smile. Tell me He wasn’t smiling when, after He told them to “beware the leaven of the Pharisees”, his disciples thought He wanted to know who forgot to bring the bread! I know He had a twinkle in His eye and little smile on His face when He responded to James and John wanting to call down fire by calling them the “Sons of Thunder.”

Jesus is all about transforming lives. Taking us from mediocre life to amazing life, from faking it to making it. Life is better with Jesus. Even the tough times are better with Jesus. We are going to have tough times. Jesus promised us that, but He ended the promise with reminding us to be happy. The Gospel could be called the “Get Back Up” Gospel because it promises us that when we get knocked down, we won’t be knocked out. Life with Jesus means we get back up and move forward. And it means we make a choice to be happy. Holy simply happens when Jesus moves into our life. Combine it with happy and you will change the world. Happy doesn’t last long without Jesus, cause this broken world will steal it. Holy gives happy the staying power. I know I am a winner, even when it feels like I am losing, because I have Jesus—because I am holy. Not because I lived up to a bunch of rules and regulations, but because I have a relationship with a laughing God who smiles over me, even when He is bending down to pick me up out of my self-induced mess. I am holy because of Him, nothing about my performance, all about Him. Happy + Holy = Harvest. Celebrate Jesus by making the choice to be happy and watch what happens—people you care about will be drawn to great life in Him.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

05/19/09 - The 3 H's - Pastor Tony Ashmore

Pastor Tony Ashmore discusses "The 3 H's" in this Tuesday evening service.

The 3 H's
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Monday, May 18, 2009

05/17/09 - Putting on Your Socks - Intentional Servanthood - Pastor Tony Ashmore

Pastor Tony Ashmore continues the Dressed For Success series, discussing "Intentional Servanthood" in this Sunday service.

Intentional Servanthood
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, May 17, 2009


Thursday, May 14, 2009

05/12/09 - Opening The Doors To Our Community - Pastor Tony Ashmore

Pastor Tony Ashmore discusses "Opening the Doors to Our Community" in this Tuesday evening service.

Opening the Doors to Our Community
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Approval or Favor?

Approval or Favor?
In today's reading of the One Year Bible in 1 Samuel 15, we read the story of Saul's actions that result in God finding and anointing David as king. At first glance, especially after reading verse 12 and its comments on Saul building a monument to himself, it looks like Saul has pride issues. But we find the real issue when God says in verse 17 that Saul "thinks too little of himself." God sees his heart and knows that insecurity is Saul's issue. It is that insecurity that taints every decision he makes, and eventually leads to his destruction. He seeks the approval of men and is even willing to sacrifice his relationship with God for it. How many times do we sacrifice the great life Jesus came to give us for the approval of men? How many times do we compromise on decisions we have made in order to please others? The approval of others is so fickle and requires hard work to maintain. It is a life filled with pressure and mistakes because what pleases others changes with every person and every day. What pleased someone today may not be what pleases them tomorrow. Whew, makes me tired just thinking about it! Thank God, Jesus is the same--yesterday, today and tomorrow. No guesswork, no pressure, just the pursuit of a great relationship. The Bible teaches that we should be seeking favor instead of approval. Luke 2:52 teaches us that if we find favor with God, we will find favor with men. Favor with God is found in Jesus--it is a gift. Walking in that favor simply means being what God designed and destined me to be--not becoming, but being. Not working to accomplish it, just being. It's not something I do, it is what I am. Instead of reading the Bible to gain God's favor, I read the Bible because I have God's favor. Instead of pursuing good works to gain God's favor, I do good works because I have God's favor. Approval is not the same as favor. Favor is influence. Even people who do not approve of my decision to follow God will give me influence because of those decisions. No pressure cooker life that requires me to jump through hoops to please others. Just a great life walking with my King and experiencing favor. And here's the kicker, not only do I have God's favor, I have his approval. What a great life!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

05/10/09 - Living Good in the Motherhood - Pastor Tony Ashmore

Pastor Tony Ashmore discusses the benefits of servanthood in "Living Good in the Motherhood" in this Mother's Day Sunday service.

Living Good in the Motherhood
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, May 10, 2009


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Gentleman Wins!

I noticed a few cool things this morning in the One Year Bible reading in the book of Ruth. Naomi tells Ruth to go and lay at the feet of Boaz, their family redeemer, and then he will tell her what to do. In other words, she gave him authority to speak into her life by sitting at his feet--the position of a servant. Then he was able to give her instructions and provide a strategy for her to win. She put herself in a position to win. Humility makes us a winner!

Too often, we will not position ourselves to win because we think we have to know all the answers and have the plan. Ruth had neither, but by positioning herself as a servant she got the plan and the answers. God wants us all to win and Jesus modeled the life of a winner--it looks like a servant. Someone said it well at the ARC All Access Conference last week: "We are not leaders who serve. We are servants who have been given the opportunity to lead." Increase your influence this week by finding people to serve.

Increase your success by giving authority to the right people. Ruth doesn't just go and lay at anyone's feet, she is at the feet of a man who has proven he is a safe place. Many times we give authority to the wrong people and get burned. That's why it's called "disillusioned"--we were putting our confidence in an illusion. Ruth was putting her confidence in something real and tangible--someone who could be trusted with her life.

Boaz had earned that trust because he was a gentleman. Don't see enough of that these days. Boaz doesn't know Ruth, but sees her working in his fields trying to scratch out a living. He goes out of his way to show kindness to her, treating her with dignity and respect. In the end Boaz the gentleman gets the girl. Looks like kindness, gentleness, and servanthood are the ticket.

05/05/09 - True Worshipers - Pastor Tony Ashmore

Pastor Tony Ashmore discusses being a "True Worshiper" in this Tuesday message.

True Worshipers
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, May 5, 2009


Sunday, May 3, 2009

05/03/09 - From Spectator to Coach - Pastor Tony Ashmore

Pastor Tony Ashmore recasts the vision of the Church At Mirror Lake, focusing on "From Spectator to Coach" in this Sunday service.

From Spectator to Coach
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, May 3, 2009


Friday, May 1, 2009

Things I Like and Things I Don't Like

My Dad's favorite singer was an old country artist named Tom T. Hall. He had a song about things he loved with lines like "I love old pick up trucks..." I was forced to listen to WPLO, the country AM station in Atlanta back in the day, while riding alongside him in his pickup truck. He had an air horn on the top of the truck that I got to pull every now and then and that was fun. But of all the old style country songs I was forced to hear, the one about things Tom T. Hall loved seems to be the one I remember most. I thought I would use it as my diving board and jump into things I like and don't like.
I like the Church. Not just my church, which happens to be the best one in the world, The Church at Mirror Lake, but I like every life-giving church in the world. I like churches that lift up Jesus, proclaim His Gospel, make Him famous in their cities, and love people. I like their leaders. I like those that are the fastest growing churches in the world and everybody knows them and those that are quietly transforming the lives of people in rural communities and nobody outside their community knows them. I just like the church. I like coming together for large meetings on the weekend and I like gathering in small groups. I like the church. I like Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Ed Young Sr. and Jr., Craig Groschel, Chris Hodges, Ben Brinkman, Hal Hodges, Chuck Angel, Troy Shaw, Pastor Cho, Tommy Barnett, Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, Josh Roberts and all the pastors and leaders in the world that we know and don't know. I like the Church.

I don't like church bashing. I don't like blogs that bash the church. I don't like tweets that bash the church. I don't like emails, books, articles, phone calls, or any other mode of communication that puts down, ridicules, belittles, denigrates, negatively compares, or destructively criticizes the church. I don't like hearing people in the U.S. put down large gatherings and talk about how the "real church" is meeting at their house or their coffee shop. Isn't it odd that you never hear negative comments about large gatherings in buildings from people in countries where there is no freedom to gather in large gatherings in buildings owned by local churches? I don't like the "either-or" attitude. I like large gatherings in buildings owned by local churches AND I like small gatherings in homes and coffee shops. I don't like comments like "a mile wide and an inch deep" made by jealous people because somebody's church is rocking the world. How much deeper does it get than seeing lives transformed by the Gospel? I don't like seeing Christians criticize the church because we have enough opposition without attacking from within.

I like what Jesus said, "Leave them alone. If they are not against us, they are for us." (Mark 9:39-41) I like people who are for the Kingdom of God. I like reading what they write, listening to them speak and cheering them on. I like keeping my life free from static and clutter so I like not reading stuff that puts down the church, its leaders, and the Kingdom of God. I like it when Greg Surratt tells people to grow up and quit acting like 5th grade boys on their blogs, facebook and tweets. I like Greg Surratt.

I like people. I like seeing people fall in love with Jesus and with His church. I plan on spending the rest of my life on this planet helping people do that. I like other people who have that plan.