Blog & Podcast home for The Church At Mirror Lake in Villa Rica, GA.
A Life-Giving Church for People Just Like You!
Whether you are full of questions or ready to jump right in, there is a place for you at The Church at Mirror Lake. Our church is a place where you can build relationships with others, experience God in worship, be empowered by practical, life-giving teaching from God's Word, and have fun doing it.
Together, we are living the Winner's Life as we learn to love, serve, reach, grow and connect. So whether you're a spiritual seeker starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian looking to sink your faith roots even deeper, you'll feel at home at The Church at Mirror Lake.
If you believe Jesus really meant it when He said, "I came so people can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of," (John 10:10 Message Translation) then join us this weekend at one of our Jesus Celebrations. Until then, browse our website (a link is on the right of this page) where you'll find lots of helpful info and feel free to download one of our service messages or subscribe to our weekly podcast where you will receive the fresh, life-giving Word of God.
Monday, September 28, 2009
09/27/09 - Mirror Mirror On The Wall PT3 - Pastor Tony Ashmore
Mirror Mirror On The Wall PT3
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, September 27, 2009
09/23/09 - Servolution - Pastor Tony Ashmore
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
37 Days of Sowing
A Season of Sowing—Thanksgiving Offering October 25th
“For everything there is a season…a time to plant and a time to harvest.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
We have had some incredible journeys this year as we have come together with a focused purpose to fast 21 days to start the year, read the Bible through together, and progressively pray and fast for the lost, hurting and next generation for the month of August. I think these times have drawn us closer as a church body, encouraged us in our obedience to God’s Word, and made us stronger and more determined to see God’s vision for our church and our lives come to pass.
We have just started another of these journeys that will last 37 days—from September 19th to October 25th. Our Lord has challenged us to bring all the unexpected increase during those 37 days—a tithe of the year—to Him in a Thanksgiving Offering on October 25. It is a declared season of planting for one-tenth of the year that will produce an incredible harvest for the other nine-tenths! We are incredibly blessed by the Lord and sometimes we don’t even notice it. He has challenged us to intentionally notice how much He is blessing us for these 37 days and bring it as an offering to honor Him. Then, we will be more cognizant of the blessing on our lives and use it more effectively for the remainder of the year.
This principle is taught throughout the Bible and has always resulted in a great harvest for those who obey. God told Joshua to bring all the spoils from the first battle to Him and the people of Israel could keep the spoil from the following battles. One of the major Biblical festivals is the Festival of Firstfruits where the people bring the first of their harvest as an offering. Jesus could not be touched after His resurrection until He had been presented to God as an offering representing the great harvest of salvation that was being released!
In 1 Corinthians 16:2, Paul explains the need to have planned, specially set aside offerings. Obviously, any offering given to the Lord is exceptional, but there is a special blessing for offerings that are intentional and strategic. Make it a point to participate in this Season of Sowing.
Here’s how it works:
1. Determine an amount above your regular tithes and offerings that you will give for a special Thanksgiving Offering on October 25th. For instance, Sheryll and I have committed to give $500 above our regular tithes and offerings.
2. Continue giving your regular tithes and offerings each week.
3. Set aside any unexpected increase and add it to your Thanksgiving Offering commitment. For instance, Sheryll and I received an unexpected check for $983 this week. We will give our normal tithe and offering from that this week--$100 or so. The other $883 will be put aside to be given on October 25th along with our already committed $500—bringing our total Thanksgiving Offering to $1383.
4. Every time an unexpected increase occurs, add it to your committed amount, finally bringing the entire increase plus the initial commitment as an offering on October 25th. For example, let’s say that Sheryll and I receive another $600 in unexpected increase between now and October 25th. We would tithe on it immediately—$60—and add the other $540 to our offering account. So on October 25th our Thanksgiving Offering would be the committed $500, plus the $883, plus the other $540 for a total of $1923!
The Bible teaches us that wise people recognize the seasons and that as long as the Earth remains there will be times to plant and times to harvest. These 37 days are a season of sowing. Think of it this way, our $983 check is a nice one, but it really isn’t a huge harvest. But if we plant it by giving it to the Lord in this Thanksgiving Offering, it is a huge amount of seed and we can look forward to a great harvest!
“On the first day of each week, you should each put aside a portion of the money you have earned. Don’t wait until I get there and then try to collect it all at once.” 1 Corinthians 16:2
Monday, September 21, 2009
Mirror Mirror On The Wall Confession
Mirror Mirror On The Wall Confession
09/20/09 - Mirror Mirror On The Wall PT2 - Pastor Tony Ashmore
Mirror Mirror On The Wall PT2
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
09/16/09 - Talking Money and Making Sense PT2 - Pastor Tony Ashmore
Talking Money and Making Sense PT2
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
09/13/09 - Mirror Mirror On The Wall PT1 - Pastor Tony Ashmore
Mirror Mirror On The Wall PT1
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Bratislava on Thursday
Forgot to tell you about Tuesday night in Kosice. I received a call Tuesday afternoon asking if I would speak at a meeting for young people ages 15-24 when I arrived in Kosice. I was honored to be asked and accepted quickly. I then spent the rest of the afternoon and the flight time getting ready to speak. I don’t like “canned messages” because I believe in divine appointments. Even if I am speaking on something I have spoken on before, I believe our dynamic God has something specific to say to those who will be listening. I was excited and nervous about this opportunity.
We were greeted at the airport by our driver, one of Miro’s best friends, who whisked into his car and onto the highway. Our plane arrived at 7:15 and the meeting had started at 6 so we were off to the races. We were hitting amazing speeds and one time I think the Kia went up on two wheels as we rounded a steep curve! Needless to say, my prayer life was becoming more and more intimate during this journey. One time we slowed down to about 40 k/m over the speed limit from the 60 to 80 k/m we were exceeding it because it was an area where the police hung out! We arrived at the church about 5 minutes after we had walked off the plane and I was taken to the platform. There was a pretty good crowd of some excited young men and women and I had an amazing time as I spoke through my interpreter Val for about 30 to 40 minutes. I used John 6—the story of feeding 5000 families—and focused on making sure you position yourself to be heard. One next generation leader in that passage of Scripture made sure he was in a place to be heard and Jesus used what that boy had to change the world that day. Heaven wants to hear your voice so you can touch Heaven and change earth.
It was a great evening and a great honor. Afterwards we shared a great meal with Miro, an amazing leader here in Kosice, at his favorite restaurant and took a long walk through this beautiful city center. We encouraged each other about the plans God has for all of us, stirred up dreams about changing our cities, our countries and the world, and just had a great time—a band of brothers who did not even know each other a short while ago and now were joined together by God in a great adventure.
Today we flew back to Bratislava. Lukas headed off to the next conference city—HK—and Danny and I checked into our hotel. Pastor Pasho of Bratislava City Church dropped us off in the Old City and we set out exploring this beautiful place. The first mention of this city in literature was in the year 907 and the castle here has foundations dating back that far. We bought a walking tour book and spent the afternoon exploring history. Then the real adventure began as we decided to use the metro system of trams and buses to make our way back across the city to our hotel. Nothing is written in English. With the help of one young man at the first stop who could speak a little English and a lot of “sign” language, we found our way to Tram #13 which took us to the main train station. After taking a pit stop at the toilet—which we found out was a pay toilet as the attendant chased us into it screaming at us with his hand out—we got on Bus #61 to the airport and 20 stops later got off at the shopping park which is across the street from our hotel. We zipped into the shopping park to purchase a drink and a Magnum—the best ice cream I have ever eaten. Lukas introduced us to them last night in Kosice and Danny is trying to figure out how to get them back to the states without melting.
We will find a place for dinner tonight, Pasho will pick us up at 7:30 in the morning to get to the bus station. There we will catch the 8AM bus to Vienna airport, board a plane for Paris, and then onto Atlanta and home to VR. What a trip. Leaders were trained, connections were made and dreams downloaded from God that will affect our world, here and in VR, for years to come. Can’t wait to get home and share them with you.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
09/09/09 - Is Jesus of the Bible Relevant Today - Everett Spencer
Is Jesus Relevant Today?
Everett Spencer
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
2nd Slovakia Conference
Monday we spent the day with about 40 leaders, most of them next generation leaders who are breaking new ground in this country which has passed Albania now as the most atheistic country in the world. The people are not antagonistic toward the church, they just dismiss it as non-relevant and lacking authenticity. I love hanging out with Lukas and Pasho because they are doing something about that as they lead their churches to think outside the norm and reach the unreachable. We met some of Pasho’s new leaders and they are full of energy, vision and excitement. They are hungry for effective tools and principles that will help the church lead the transformation of their country. Danny did a great job with his first experience in training leaders outside of his own church. He connected well with some of the leaders and was able to spend some personal time with them between sessions and at other times.
After the conference we shared dinner with a wonderful group of young Catholic leaders who are taking the gospel all over this country, concentrating on small rural villages. They have gained a lot of influence and are becoming well known. We discussed some ideas on capturing and sustaining their momentum by giving weekly DVD’s of their Wednesday night service in Bratislava to home leaders in the villages where they have made in-roads. They too are hungry for tools to help them be more effective and we plan on connecting them to leaders at CAML who can serve as coaches and friends.
We spent all day Tuesday brainstorming for the future. I am so amazed at how smart God is. He has strategically placed CAML here to make connections that will make us stronger and help Europe. There are so many opportunities to partner with Element Church in Czech Republic. Lukas and Dita, their pastors and our partners here, have a huge vision and some amazing methods for reaching the next generation. Their church has 70 countries represented in their young congregation. They are about to make a move to a bigger location and are doing a virtual re-launch. We have always thought the most effective missions would be through connecting with a local church and working with them as a resource. Even Albania opened to us as we strategized for the future.
Today we are in Kosice for our conference. We are teaching 360 degree Leader. The question and discussion times are my favorite because we share real life with each other. Danny and I just spent an hour answering questions about going through a church rebellion from opposite ends and how God brought reconciliation and restoration. I really didn’t like digging up some of that stuff but I think the group found it very helpful. Danny then shared how the experience helped him be a better leader in working with leaders above him and leaders beside him.
Lukas is such a blessing. I think he will be at CAML in May so everywhere will have an opportunity to fall in love with him like I have. Thank God for the divine connections that have brought us together and have linked our churches as partners in God’s fantastic vision. I am looking forward to spending time with new friends tonight over dinner. Some of the ideas that are being birthed here this week are going to change the world in amazing ways.
More updates tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
09/06/09 - Vision Sunday - Tony Sherrill
Vision Sunday
Tony Sherrill
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
09/02/09 - Talking Money and Making Sense - Pastor Tony Ashmore
Talking Money and Making Sense PT1
Pastor Tony Ashmore
Wednesday, September 2, 2009